Author archives: Arielle

  • Elizabeth

  • Meet sweet Elizabeth, 8 weeks old. We got really lucky and she fell asleep for a little while during the session, allowing us a few favorite poses. She has a head full of hair, and plenty of volume! At 2 months, she's starting to have some cute baby roundness, with those adorable little rolls and dimples... Just chilling, I love dimples! I hope her dad won't be upset with me for showing this picture, but it makes me want to reach into my screen and just squeeze that little de [...]
  • Leigh and Brian engaged

  • It's Saturday, happy week end everyone! We have a big day planed, the weather is beautiful, we'll pack the family on the boat and spend the day on the beach, with a picnic... But first I must post some pictures of these love birds. Because they live out of town, we only met 2 days before their wedding for their engagement session. But by the end of our time together, I felt like one of their best friends, that's just how they roll.  
  • Clover & Lilly

  • Doggy day! I'm long due for this post and apologize for the delay. Still from the Pet Resort, I have Clover, 10 weeks old, an Alaskan Malamute mix (with Lab), who was brought to me by Theresa. I found my self again ashamed to not be spending more time with Coco, teaching her "obedience lessons", young Clover already has a large vocabulary repertoire, and could fallow commands in a very impressive manner. A little treat also came in handy... And if his vocal cords were like ours, I swe [...]
  • Leigh and Brian

  • My father would definitely tell me: "tu mets la charue avant les boeufs" (="puting the cart before the horse") by having this picture on my blog. This is a serious-in-love couple I just photographed this weekend. Before going to their wedding I had already decided I would get this picture, and I can see it as the perfect book cover for their album. Now, I haven't even blogged their engagement session, and here I am posting a wedding picture... la charue avant les boeufs.. I just couldn't re [...]
  • Jackson

  • Be prepared, this is a long post. This little guy was just too cute. It was a real challenge for me to pick my favorites. Jackson's mom called me to schedule a session a while back and I advised we wait till he could sit on his own. I'm so glad we waited, at this stage there is so much more I can do as far as poses. Coming from a family of strictly brown eyes, I just melt when I see blue eyes(I'll take green too), and this little boy definitely has striking shade of blue eyes! Jill and PJ, [...]
  • Grand Rapids, Part 2

  • On the last day of Amy Wenzel's workshop we photographed 6 gorgeous seniors. They had their make up and hair made by a salon in Grand Rapids (I wish I remembered their name to give them credit for their fabulous job). Amy had helped them pick through their wardrobe a special outfit for the shoot, they looked absolutely amazing and were such troopers on that cool day to give us all a chance to photograph them. We didn't have much time to chit-chat with them, but I tried to get their names, and [...]
  • Grand Rapids, Part 1

  • I intended to post these sooner but some photoshop mishap (the kind that could drive someone to the edge, or just leave you to melt in a puddle of tears) slowed me down. This series is from the first day of Amy Wenzel's workshop. It was a 3 days getaway to Grand Rapids, Michigan. I fell in love with the place, the people we met, the downtown area with beautiful building and a modern feel, the "green/organic" awareness, the weather (so mild and refreshing). It was a beautiful setting for a fa [...]
  • Le Petit Prince

  • My little artist, Magalie strikes again.  I love everything about this latest drawing, it's beautiful, full of bright colors (she explained her choice of orange for the astronaut suit would work best to compliment the other colors), well composed, just full of talent.  Again, she touches my heart with her subject matter, her own interpretation of our classic french story "Le Petit Prince", a favorite of mine, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.  "The stars are more like the star fish in sponge bob squa [...]
  • Fergie and Keeli

  • I've just arrived in Grand Rapids, MI, and am enjoying the luxury of a very peaceful room in a very swanky hotel, I could get used to this. I'll say more about this 4 days getaway in a couple of days, with I hope, some beautiful images. For now, I'm sharing these 2 super cute doggies. Amy is the manager at The Pet Resort, a very swanky pet hotel. Lori is the fantastic groomer, who can tame Coco's hair when she goes "rasta" on me. Amy came with her 1 year old Boston Terrier, Fergie, warning [...]
  • Codi

  • April showers delayed this photo shot a whole month! But it was certainly worth persevering. Codi is a lovely young senior graduating this week and on her way to Ole Miss. In the course of the session I asked her the classic question: "what do you want to do after college?" I just loved how quick she was to respond "an news anchor", in a voice full of confidence and anticipation to this bright future. She certainly has the looks and I'm certain she will make it on the best networks. She ha [...]
  • Elated

  • I'm elated. I've had one of those moment when you try to organize your life. Bragging about balance would be a bit of a stretch here, but I've managed living somewhat of a "complete" life for 7 days. I've been reading.  I'm an avid reader.  But, I take a novel like I do a box of chocolate: all in one sitting.  Even though I'm a fast reader, this still means I'll spend a day or night lost in a book, and nothing gets done.   In consequence, I haven't allowed myself to pick up a story in a wh [...]
  • Rose

  • They're all back in France! And I'm sad, it was such a treat to have my family with me. But then again, I will travel there pretty soon for my early trip home to Provence. Every year, we seem to extend our visit a little longer, this time it will be a generous 6 weeks. For today, I wanted to share some pictures of my niece, Rose, who will turn 11 in just a month. She has a natural grace about her, and has been taking dance lessons all her life. She is very talented, and is attending one of [...]