
I’m elated. I’ve had one of those moment when you try to organize your life. Bragging about balance would be a bit of a stretch here, but I’ve managed living somewhat of a “complete” life for 7 days.

  • I’ve been reading.  I’m an avid reader.  But, I take a novel like I do a box of chocolate: all in one sitting.  Even though I’m a fast reader, this still means I’ll spend a day or night lost in a book, and nothing gets done.   In consequence, I haven’t allowed myself to pick up a story in a while.  In the past month, I’ve tried a new approach,  I just savor a novel a few chapters at a time.  And it’s working: I’ve stretched 5 books in a month of daily reading.  The pleasure I get from a good novel is immense, and I’m so glad to have that back into my life, it really doesn’t have to be a holiday treat anymore.
  • Had to address the weight issue.  It all happened with the boxes of chocolate that came with my family…  It’s not easy, but I’m getting accustom again to more reasonable portions and a healthier nutrition.  The first week is the hardest, and I’m happy to be past that.
  • Back to fitness!  After successfully finishing a 12 week running program and being able to run a full 40 minutes, I stopped, for 3 weeks!!  Getting back into an exercise routine , making time, was a must.  I’ve managed three 3.5 miles walk with friends (bonus: girl time), and signed up in a new gym.   The new gym is a fast emerging modern day work out style: 123-fit, that I think will be perfect for my schedule.  They have you moving so fast from one station to an other, you don’t have time to dwell on the pain.  And the place doesn’t look like your typical gloomy torture gym, it has bright colors on the walls, inspiring quotes and fun pictures of smiling people.  I left the colorful room after a 30 minute intense workout, sweaty and out of breath, and I woke up the next day very aware of my muscle anatomy, so I’m confident it’s my ticket to being fit.
  • On the house chore front: although my bills are stacking up, the laundry is almost up to date.  I managed to prepare, 4 nights in a row, balanced meals, and we only ran out of milk once.  The house is cleaned, thanks to my secret weapon, Cora, the nicest and most efficient lady, who tackles this major chore once a week.  And frankly, I could never have the house looking and smelling so neat in the time she does it.  I’m so focused on details, you could find me armed with a tooth brush, scrubbing my stove top for a full hour!
  • I’ve had some play time with the kids, and spent a exciting family day at an attraction park.  The rides wore me out, I had my heart in my throat stuck at the top of the ferris wheel, with Meg poking my arm to admire the view.  We finally got to see the acclaimed “earth” movie, big disappointment.  The experience was similar to “Marley & Me”, Meg had tears running down her cheeks, 1/2 way through the movie begging to leave…  On our way home, we did see the most beautiful, full, bright, rainbow ever.
  • My car is clean, spanking clean, compliments of Will, who worked real hard detailing and washing.  It feels so good, I’m ready to have a tea party in there!
  • An early mother’s day present to myself: a new purse, lighter to save my shoulder, a beautiful shade of grey with the most fancy fuchsia lining.  Lots of nifty pockets, a promise to never loose my keys again.  So far this little accessory (but, oh so important to us ladies) has been organized and is making me very happy.
  • I’ve been more conscious to take Coco on daily walks, which gives her the most contagious “joie de vivre”!

And “oui maman” my plants are still thriving!  So, there you have it, simple daily accomplishments have me elated.  And a picture, proof that my Olive branch will eventually turn into a tree:

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