Category archives: La Femme
- For a short time, several years ago, I considered doing what I called "femme" photography. Images to celebrate us, women, as we go through time, because really every stages of our lives are worth celebrating. No matter those extra unwanted pounds that just won't let go of us, no matter those fine lines we acquire over the years. It's all part of embracing who we are, accepting aging, and that we are beautiful inside, and that the outside is plenty enough beautiful as it is. My interest and f [...]
- Sharing today, Huntley and her daughter, Claire. My daughter, Olivia and Claire have been best friends for the longest time. Huntley and I were pregnant at the same time and tennis partners almost all the way to our delivery date. I still wonder how I could move myself on the court at that stage (I was over 200 lbs with little O). I think Huntley was getting all the balls at the net, and probably our bulging bellies must have been intimidating to our opponents?
- A gorgeous trio!
Does anyone remember "Charlie's angels"?
- Creagh, make up artist and owner of Skin pampered Cate. Most of the clothes Cate wore for the session (all but the black blouse) came from The Skin boutique. Creagh has some beautiful and unique pieces.