Author archives: Arielle

  • Boneyard in Vegas

  • It's been a week since I've returned home from Vegas and I'm getting my footing back. The WPPI experience was so exhilarating, and the trade show a wealth of new products. Before my routine settles in I'm trying to put in place the different goals I've lined up for my business. I know how these things work, if too much time goes by, we tend to loose the drive to make things happen... I have some pictures to share, these were taken at the "Boneyard", it's a retirement home of sort for big neo [...]
  • Back home from WPPI (Wedding & Portrait Professional International)

  • I always wondered what the big deal was, why so many photographers became sooo excited come the annual convention in Las Vegas. This year I was one of 12000 photographers to attend the event, and now I understand. I used to think that maybe they just all wanted to party, that maybe it had to do with the location... I know Vegas is not the draw, the city, although amazing (it's just one of those "out of this world" experience), certainly isn't one of my favorite spot. It's the convention itsel [...]
  • Sean

  • I'm posting these pictures from Las Vegas. I cannot believe this place! Everywhere you look are the weirdest things. The first thing I saw landing were beautiful mountains, then a pyramid with some odd egyptian creature guarding it? then a gold building, a mini eiffel tour, a roller coaster in front of a hotel, and slot machines everywhere!!! Unbelievable. I didn't realize that each hotel, the airport too, have their own casinos. I've traveled around the world, but never before have seen [...]
  • Star trails

  • I LOVE photography!! Seriously. There are so many different fields in the vast world of photography, so much to explore and to learn. One simply can not ever tire of it. Up until a couple weeks ago, I had no interest in "landscape" photography. The honest reason is I'm not good at it, I see landscape as a backdrop for a successful portrait session. The backdrop itself, I used to find very boring on its own. Thanks to one of my clients (thanks Doug), I've met this amazing landscape photogr [...]
  • Corrie

  • We've been extremely fortunate over the years to have had wonderful babysitters, Corrie is no exception. The kids LOVE her, in fact I fear they may be sometimes a little disappointed when they see me pull up in car line... Like Olivia simply states it: "she's fabulous". She's from an amazing family of 7, my all time childhood dream. Big families fascinate me. You know right away you're meeting some very special people, got to have lots of love, kindness, patience, humor... and many more valu [...]
  • Jessica, Jared and sweet Maddy

  • Hello wonderful Cyber space world! What a great weekend we had here in Pensacola. 2 hot dates with my hubby and friends. I'm not a difficult girl to please on a date, I just LOVE going to the movies, and right now the theaters have plenty of great selections. Friday night was Taken, which takes place in France (right there I'm on board), packed with action, Liam Neeson is a kick-ass dad. Thankfully the horror of the kidnapping isn't so much the focus in the movie, it's mostly all about Liam [...]
  • Flying Coco

  • A little update on Coco. I'm totally enamored with my little dog. She does the funniest things and I thought I would share one of her moments here with you. Whenever she's outside and I call her back home, she runs super fast and turns into superdog mode. She just about takes off to jump a tinny little step, I'm afraid she doesn't time her take off right, she always lends barely on the edge of the step. It's a HUGE leap, it's so funny to watch. Today, I decided to document it, it was trick [...]
  • Jenni, Richard and Walton.

  • I LOVE this family! They are very very dear to me. Henry and Jenni's uncle, Leo have been friends forever, they share many extraordinary fishing tales together. Really, all of Jenni's big family has been close to Henry and all have always been so sweet to me. Besides, I've photographed Walton when he was just a few days old. He was my first baby model, and one of his pictures remains my all time favorite. I have used that image many times through out town as advertisement for my baby photo [...]
  • Morgan

  • Photographing this little angel was so much fun, her parents, Doug and Tiffany were excited to let me try new things. I ended up staying a while, and got to experiment a little. My first new thing was the lights in this picture. I had brought with me some of my christmas light, but they were on a green cord. I explained what I was trying to do, and Doug offered to go find some white lights he had mistakenly bought some years ago. If their attic was anything like mine, I don't think I would [...]
  • Proud Mama!

  • I've got a morning routine. In order to start the day, work, things need to be in somewhat of an order around me, beds made, kitchen cleaned up... This morning in my frenzy to clear the clutter away, I nearly tossed a master piece. A little homework sheet from kindergarden that made its way to our coffee table. The artist is my youngest, Olivia, who really at the moment seems genuinely drawn to a hairdresser carrier, but says she wants to be like her maman ...a photographer. This little dr [...]
  • Andrew, at 3 months

  • Katie and John were the sweetest and so much fun to photograph. They told me all through the session that Andrew is usually all smiles, but not that day. I think it's the big black thing that I held close to my face, that had him a little perplex. Still, I think these turned out really nice, and he did give his dad a brilliant smile on this first image. Andrew was hungry, and while Katie was heating up a bottle for him, John had to keep him waiting, an early lesson of patience [...]
  • Freezing in Pensacola

  • It's still super cold!  And I'm loving it.  I know I'm a little overjoyed by such weather trivia, but this is highly unusual for Florida.  We go cut a Christmas tree in T-shirt and shorts sometimes, so I treasure the few winter days we have.  I guess I really miss having all 4 seasons. Some simple facts, which should help you understand why I'm so happy with our latest low temperatures: The air is crisp, washing away the humidity and making the visibility so clear and infinite.  So nice f [...]