• Christmas is coming soon...

  • It's a busy time of the year, with decorations galore, the roads crowded with shoppers on a mission. Sitting in front of my computer, I'm editing pictures of beautiful families getting their yearly portraits for Christmas cards. Christmas used to be one of my favorite holidays in France, because it was always a huge family gathering. It has taken a whole new dimension in the US, the decorations and the outdoors lights are spectacular here, but I've missed my family and french traditions. Thi [...]
  • Baby as Art workshop

  • 2 weeks ago I treated myself to a wonderful workshop, from the Baby as Art team, Carrie Sandoval and Brittany Woodall. It was a very short workshop, 2 days in all, limited to only 6 attendees (so so nice compare to the big groups of 20-30 attending wedding photography workshops). I have been a huge fan of their work for a while and was so excited to found out they were willing to share their skills. I love going to workshops, they're very intense, I always meet wonderful people (who all share [...]
  • Sarah

  • Phew! It's been a crazy month. With our trip to New York, a small hurricane, Veteran's day and Thanksgiving, the children will have gone just 11 days to school out of a 30 day month... I love spending all the extra time with them, but I've never been so behind with my files. And to top it off, I've just returned from an absolutely fantastic 2 days workshop in San Diego with the Baby as Art team (more to come on that soon, with some beautiful images). For now, let me present Sarah, a Navarre [...]
  • Michael & Maggie

  • Just as the Pensacola weather was finally deciding to take a turn, and like the rest of the world join the fall season, I photographed this pair. I moved to the US 15 years ago, 7 years after my arrival I barely had any friends, Henry suggested joining a tennis team, it was a brilliant idea. I met a wide group of lovely and fun ladies and now although I miss the sport, thanks to my photography I get to meet still many new fantastic people. Karla and her 2 sweet youngsters were just delightful [...]
  • Mr and Mrs Taylor

  • I know Gabriel and Brittany, their families and friends are all impatient to see the wedding pictures. It was a beautiful day, perfect for the celebration of a lifetime commitment between this loving couple. They wanted to savor the moment, enjoy their guests, the reception, and chose to meet prior to the ceremony, which allowed us for plenty of time to photograph them and the wedding party. My good friends, Dorene and Tim were there with me, so it was a team of 3 photographers for a full cov [...]
  • 9 years old!

  • Magalie is 9, and it seems that just yesterday she was a newborn in my arms. We had some of her friends over to celebrate her last single digit birthday. It was the first day of cooler weather here in Pensacola. The kids called it "freezing", a bit of an exaggeration... The girls went outside, tried out Meg's new jump rope, all decked out for a winter day, had a glorious time in this delightful temperature, and I pulled my camera out of the bag. Mimi, Meg, Lizzy, and Frannie Vive l'au [...]
  • Jocelyn

  • She's gifted in many ways, a music artist, an accomplished pianist. When she sings, you think you're hearing an angel, and she sang in french for me, I though I was transported into the heavens! She dances, has the most delicate hands, and a gorgeous figure. Her dream is Broadway, and I'm convinced she will become a star. She carries a bible in her purse, has the sweetest disposition, and was so loving with her mother... an angel in many ways. Jocelyn, I so enjoyed our time together, your [...]
  • Noah

  • Not quite a year ago, Dorene and I were photographing Michelle and André's wedding. They left the reception under sparkles, in a big limo, with huge smiles on their faces, promising their friends and family a baby was next on their agenda... And here is Noah! It was already such an honor and a pleasure to witness André and Michelle's vows of love for eternity, and now it filled me joy to watch them care for their adorable baby. It's always a wonder to be able to recognize parents features in [...]
  • Beautiful family

  • Lucy's family is beautiful inside and out, they all gave me the most genuine smiles, wholeheartedly. There was no coercing, I could have photograph them forever, if it hadn't been for the fierce mosquitoes that day on the west side of town... As a mom, I so much loved watching their family dynamics, the conviviality between them. I'm also envious of Lucy's gentle temper (I'm cursed with the mediterranean quick temper). Lovely Kailey, Little Zach, so so cute!!! And handsome Hunter, so [...]
  • Tree frogs

  • We have many many tree frogs stuck on our front door and windows. One night I counted over 30 on our 3 porch windows! They're tricky by the front door, because occasionally they'll jump on us, and it's unnerving to have one land on your head unexpectedly. We're all trained to site them and quickly duck through the door, you won't find my children lingering, Olivia in particular hate their sticky touch. Coco on the other hand is the great frog hunter, and can spend hours staring at the front [...]
  • Eamon

  • Eamon, starting his second week out of mom's belly, an angel through out the session. A pleasure to hold and snuggle with. I've also so enjoyed meeting his mom, Elizabeth, a doula. I wish I had her around when I delivered my babies, she is so relaxed, soothing (no wonder her little boy was so easy going), and knows her business like no other. She had her three boys at home, this last one in just 2 hours! The home delivery sounds like the ultimate birthing experience, especially if handled b [...]
  • Dylan

  • I'm still practicing a few new poses. I really like the "hammock" image, little Dylan looks so relax. For these I was lucky to find a new willing mom, Sam, to let me play with her sweet baby, Dylan. He's already 4 weeks old and a bundle of love, I must admit that I loved holding him. Coco is supposed to be my baby substitute, and she does a great job but it just isn't the same... Jessie, one of my wonderful baby sitter/friend was with us and helping me that day. Thank you for introducing m [...]