Mother and daughters, Pensacola Photographer
For a short time, several years ago, I considered doing what I called “femme” photography. Images to celebrate us, women, as we go through time, because really every stages of our lives are worth celebrating. No matter those extra unwanted pounds that just won’t let go of us, no matter those fine lines we acquire over the years. It’s all part of embracing who we are, accepting aging, and that we are beautiful inside, and that the outside is plenty enough beautiful as it is. My interest and focus has been on maternity and newborn photography for the past year. However when my good friend, Buffi called me asking for some images with her daughter (they really look more like sisters!) and also for pictures of her friend, Halli and her daughters, I was only too happy to get them in my studio. Like them, I feel the years have gone by so fast, almost as if you had walked into a bottle, shake the bottle around, and out you come with grown kids leaving for college! I’m so pleased for them to have these images with their girls before they leave the family nest, onto their next journey.