Riley, Pensacola photographer
It’s become a tradition to have a few pictures taken during your senior year, some of the images will be used for graduation announcement. Quite a special milestone when you think of it, it marks the end of your 12 years in the school system, and mostly the end of living with your parents at home… The transition to moving to becoming independent, living semi-on-your own, in a dorm. It’s also time to appreciate all those years hard work and celebrate your college acceptance! In Riley’s case… one of our country’s most prestigious college: UVA! Riley is an amazing student and his work ethic has been rewarded! He embodies that ideal well rounded student that all college counselors are encouraging high school seniors to become in views of their college applications. Full of life, so much fun, and yet mature, I imagine he will thrive in college and i can’t wait to see what he does next.
Watching these 2 together is having a glimpse of what true love is:)