Bonne Annee et Bonne Sante a tous!!!

My last post for this year, to wish everyone a very happy New Year. Time flies, it doesn’t seem that long ago when I went to school and all the kids were excited about 1980! I didn’t quite understand why all the fuss, then there was the new millennium, that really feels like yesterday, and now we are already about to start 2009!!! Wow, it’s going by too fast. I see my children grow, too quick. No matter how determined I am to enjoy every minute with them, I end up caught up in everyday life, wrapped up in my to do list of the day. Sweating the little things, forgetting to appreciate the blessing of my beautiful healthy happy family. Somehow, on the verge of a New Year, I can’t help but think of a fresh start, with a mind full of good resolutions. Mainly I want to be aware, to be thankful for my life, my husband, my children, family and friends, everyday… I always wish for more time, I run out of it so often. As a result whatever was on my list of things to do for the day, just ends up being an other thing to do, almost a chore: decorate the Christmas tree, do laundry, bake cookies with the kids for Santa, pay bills, prepare dinner, give baths, read story, go to bed… So this year, I will try even harder to BALANCE, I’m convinced it’s all a matter of balancing my schedule and priorities, and keeping my ambitions for the day a little more reasonable. Making sure I save enough time to enjoy my family. I also plan on getting a video camera, pictures are wonderful, but I would love to have movies of my kids…
Magalie, among many talents, is an “artist en herbe” and loves to draw. She has always been drawing pictures of our family. It may have started when Olivia came along, and for a while Meg would have us all there except for her young sister. I was much relieved when she finally started to acknowledge Olivia, and had her part of our family’s picture. I still haven’t got my Christmas cards together, New Year’s card will do just fine. In the mean time, I have Magalie’s latest drawing to portray our family, she lists everyone, always with our ages. I love that, even though Indies isn’t alive (this happened just a couple of weeks before Christmas), she has her as an angel with us still.


  1. by Evelyn Savage on January 1, 2009  9:46 pm Reply

    Gotta LOVE that adorable Magalie!! I am finally back in town and we should try to get the girls together soon. Hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas and thanks for sharing the drawing. She is a wonderful ARTISTE!!!! :) Your children are just gorgeous.....and I'm so glad Olivia has finally made the drawing. Heehee. And of course, she is in a skirt. Love it.

  2. by Jessie on January 8, 2009  1:32 pm Reply

    AWW!! I always love Magalie's drawings :) This one is great!!

  3. by Lyssa on January 10, 2009  12:49 pm Reply

    Hey Arielle This is a BEAUTIFUL post.. wow . yes you are indeed bless with an extraordinary life.

    I wish you more of this and many more more life's sweet moment for 2009 :)!!


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