7 weeks new baby pictures in Pensacola

Despite the general guidance of having your newborn pictures taken within 2-3 weeks after birth, you can still have beautiful newborn images done later… exhibit A here today. This little man was born a little early at 6lbs 2.4oz. I photographed him in my studio at 7 weeks and a little more than 9lbs 7oz. It’s always worth a try! And he did great, we were able to get all the 10 poses we aim for each baby in a mini session. Added bonus all the beautiful chunky little rolls!
I still strongly recommend getting in touch early (while pregnant) to ensure we’ll find a spot in my schedule, but if life happened and your baby is becoming an infant ( I recently learned that the newborn stage is considered only the first 8 weeks, then you enter the infant stage for the next 51 weeks) reach out anyways!

open eye frog




side curl


bum up


egg wrap

the pose


hands up

fish face

mug shot

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